Acupuncture Helps a Cow with Nerve Trauma

Initial Injury

Initial Injury

Post Treatment

Post Treatment

History: 2-year-old heifer calved 3 months prior to injury, she was found in the pasture with dropped hocks and unable to stand stable on her hindlimbs.


This disease could be caused by a number of issues including:

  1. Metabolic weakness (such as low calcium and or low magnesium)

  2. Dystocia or difficult calving

  3. Chronic muscle tendon breakdown resulting in sciatic palsy

  4. Lymphoma with spinal cord compression

  5. Trauma inducing musculoskeletal damage to the spine resulting in pain and nerve damage

Diagnosis: Tibial Paralysis due to trauma (also known as “Dropped Hock Syndrome”)

Treatment: Acupuncture was performed a few days after the injury treating the area locally for
pain as well as some points to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and stimulate energy
movement and healing. She was also given Banamine (an NSAID) for 3 days and intravenous
calcium and magnesium supplement. She was kept in a pen and bulls were removed so there
were no further riding injuries sustained.

Progression: 1-month after treatment, she was almost 50% improved, and
2-months after treatment she shows minimal long-term problems associated. We were very pleased with her quick response and full return to function.

*Not all patients or injuries will respond as this patient did, even those with injuries similar to hers. Please keep in mind different modalities, frequency of treatments, medications, and recommendations may be necessary depending on each patient’s circumstances.


Acupuncture Helps Lonzo with Pain
Following Tooth Extraction


History: Lonzo, a 32-year-old AQH gelding presented for a history of quidding, very slow to eat, and a very high energy requirement to maintain body condition.

Exam: After a proper deworming protocol, Lonzo was sedated and an oral exam was performed revealing two loose abscessed teeth and several sharp points causing buccal ulcers in the mouth.

Diagnosis: Sharp enamel points of the buccal and lingual cheek teeth, ramps and hooks of the caudal molars, step mouth of premolar #107, and abscessed teeth including premolar #108 and molar #211.

Treatment: The teeth were all floated and both abscessed teeth were extracted using proper technique and local anesthesia when possible along with systemic pain medications. Despite proper western medical pain relief, during recovery Lonzo was gritting his teeth and had a grimace of his facial muscles indicating pain.

Acupuncture treatment was administered for the remaining 20 minutes of recovery. Using an acupuncture point on the coronary band of the hind foot, I was able to release heat and pain from the mouth along with treating other points along the channels to relax the facial muscle spasms.

Progression: Within 10 minutes following needle placement, Lonzo’s facial expression became much more relaxed. He started nosing around the pen as I was putting equipment away. Within 20 minutes he was actively searching out the feed trough requiring removal of the needles and locking him up to keep him from eating feed too quickly after sedation. Within the hour after recovery and immediately upon turn out he ate feed vigorously. He quit dropping feed over the next several weeks and started to gain weight!

* Not all patients or injuries will respond as this patient did, even those with similar diseases. Please keep in mind different modalities, frequency of treatments, medications, and recommendations may be necessary depending on each patient’s circumstances.

Acupuncture Used to Treat Muscle Strain from Hip Dysplasia in Kodiak


History: Kodiak, a 3-year-old neutered male German Shepherd dog, was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at a young age. He began showing symptoms of pain and presented for treatment when medications were no longer successful at controlling the pain.

Exam: Kodiak was examined by his primary veterinarian and the proper radiographs, bloodwork, and medications were prescribed. However, he was still crossing over and weak on his hind legs and unable to go on walks with the owner like usual. He had significant reduction in extension of the hip joints and resisted palpation of the iliopsoas muscle on the right side.

Diagnosis: Iliopsoas muscle strain resulting from a congenital hip dysplasia condition

Treatment: Acupuncture was performed in addition to the previous medications for pain and inflammation. Within only 4 days, Kodiak was doing really well, getting up easier and his lameness had resolved! Another few treatments were performed to keep his neurologic and muscular injuries on the mend.

Progression: 2-months after initial treatment, Kodiak was able to go on a hiking trip in the mountains with his owners. 4-months after initial treatment, Kodiak was reported to be off of his anti-inflammatories and was even able to have a blast at the end-of-the-year pool party!

*Not all patients or injuries will respond as this patient did, even those with similar injuries. Kodiak was very young and his injuries were found and treated in a very quick manner all which contributed to his very quick response time. Please keep in mind different modalities, frequency of treatments, medications, and recommendations may be necessary depending on each patient’s circumstances.

Acupuncture Used to Manage Chronic
Elbow Arthritis in Marshmallow

Marshmallow 3.jpg

History: Marshmallow, a 13-year-old yellow Labrador was a stray that was rescued and developed worsening lameness in the right frontlimb over the last few years. With proper medical management, Marshmallow was still showing symptoms of weakness.

Exam: Marshmallow was examined and radiographs were performed with his primary veterinarian indicating he had multiple chronic diseases contributing to his pain and activity intolerance. On exam, he had several acupuncture points that were deficient as well as several local acupuncture points around the areas of inflammation that were painful.

Diagnosis: Diagnosis was based off of radiographs performed by his primary veterinarian as well as a thorough physical exam.

  1. Osteoarthritis of elbows

  2. Cervical Spondylosis

  3. Chronic Intervertebral Disc Disease C7-T1 Vertebrae

  4. Gastrocnemius (hamstring muscle) tendon breakdown

Treatment: Acupuncture was performed in addition to adding supplements and the Assisi Loop device in a multimodal approach to control pain. Within two acupuncture treatments, Marshmallow showed about 25% improvement and continues to show improvements over the past several months.

Progression: Marshmallow had an episode of pain and swelling in his hindlimb in between our acupuncture treatment sessions. His owner was able to use the Assisi Loop device on the targeted area and the pain was resolved within 24 hours before we were able to make arrangements for his next mobile veterinary examination! We were never so pleased and thankful to have something that the owner was able to use at home for rescue therapy to keep Marshmallow comfortable and pain-free!

Side Note: Due to the chronic nature of his symptoms, Marshmallow is on a maintenance regimen of acupuncture sessions, laser therapy, rehab therapy, and necessary supplements for managing his symptoms. He likely will not be able to graduate like some other patients and conditions but has been able to live a very happy life in the comfort of his home with a very loving family. He even enjoys rolling over for belly rubs and showing me his new toys when I come to visit!

*Not all patients or injuries will respond as this patient did, even those with similar injuries. Please keep in mind different modalities, frequency of treatments, medications, and recommendations may be necessary depending on each patient’s unique circumstances.